Cutting formats
Extruded Ceramic Panels, Precision, DIN EN 14411, group AIIa, glazed/unglazed (GL/UGL) (small-/large-size stoneware panels), 20 mm thick, 32 kg/m².
Lengths of up to 1,800 mm (in 1 mm steps)

up to 900 mm
150 mm
175 mm
up to 1,200 mm
200 mm
225 mm
up to 1,500 mm
250 mm
275 mm
up to 1,800 mm
300 mm
325 mm
350 mm
375 mm
400 mm
450 mm
500 mm
550 mm
600 mm
- Schematic diagram: production-related deviations possible in individual cases; exact panel cross-section on request.
- In addition to the variants shown, other, individual developments are possible on request.
- Due to the different panel cross-sections, the choice of the fastening system depends on the individual case.
- Furthermore, color deviations compared to the standard variants can not be excluded.