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Image:Agrob Buchtal GmbH / Jochen Stüber

Building corners to perfect the form

The high conceptual standard is also reflected in the corners of the building. Their perfect formation was essential for the architects in order to make the ceramic covering appear as a homogeneous, tailor-made ceramic suit, rather than as a thin facade surface simply added on. It was therefore out of the question to simply butt the strip tiles together at the corners or to mitre-cut them and glue them together to form a corner profile. Instead, Agrob Buchtal developed in cooperation with Sauerbruch Hutton asymmetrical nosing tiles which matched the V-pointed profile strip tiles of the facade surfaces both dimensionally and aesthetically.

In order to optimally implement the design ideas, the ochre-yellow basic facade colour was also developed according to the architects' ideas. For determining the appropriate glaze colour, workshops were held in the Agrob Buchtal glaze laboratory,where more than 16,000 different recipes for project-specific individual glazes have been created to date. These workshops resulted in several samples and test areas. In the end, Sauerbruch Hutton succeeded in translating the client's wish for a shiny golden facade into a solution which is elegant, durable and of high quality even without any direct reference to this precious metal.